About Your Doctor

Dr. Jeremy Abbott

Dr Jeremy Abbott is an Australian trained specialist anaesthetist. He was born in the UK to Australian parents, and returned to Adelaide, Australia at the age of 6. He went to school at St Peters College in Adelaide, and studied medicine at Flinders University, graduating in 1997. He then worked in Adelaide, Gosford (NSW) and Alice Springs. He gained a broad range of experience, working in diverse roles including as Trauma Lead in a major hospital, Flying Doctor in Alice Springs, and various anaesthetic and Intensive Care roles. He then entered anaesthetic training in Brisbane, finishing in 2009. He then went to Glasgow, Scotland for a post-fellowship sabbatical in paediatric Intensive Care. Upon return to Australia, he set up private practice with Metropolitan Anaesthesia in 2010. He became Chairman of Metropolitan Anaesthesia in 2020.

Dr Jeremy Abbott is in full time private practice in Perth. He specialises in anaesthesia for  Orthopaedic, ENT and Bariatric surgery, but is experienced in providing anaesthesia for most types of surgery.

Dr Jeremy Abbott has a special interest in Ultrasound Guided regional anaesthesia for post-operative pain relief, but also to be used as the sole anaesthetic for surgery. He also has a special interest in Total IntraVenous Anaesthesia (TIVA), and paediatric anaesthesia.

Dr Jeremy Abbott prefers to see some patients for in rooms consultation at his rooms in Subiaco. Currently he sees the following patients
– all major joint replacements
– all bariatric surgery
– patients over 65
– selected other patients, or patient request
If you feel you don’t need to come in for an appointment, or would like to be seen before the day of surgery for any reason, please contact Metropolitan Anaesthesia to arrange.
Skype / FaceTime consultations are available to those who are unable to come to Subiaco, please let us know.